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1) Dr. Slesnick's ebook, Targets and Hacks for Dentists/ Quickstart Guide to Precision Dental Communication


2) The complete set of Cheat Sheets for Precision Dental Communication. Each cheat sheet contains concise instructions for using precision communication in clinical practice.





1) Dr. Slesnick's ebook, Targets and Hacks for Dentists/ Quickstart Guide to Precision Dental Communication


2) The complete set of Cheat Sheets for Precision Dental Communication. Each cheat sheet contains concise instructions for using precision communication in clinical practice.

3) Dr. Slesnick's videos discussing and demonstrating the use of precision

communication in four crucial clinical situations. 


4) A $200 discount off the tuition for Dr. Slesnick's Master Class Comprehensive Training in Precision Dental Communication.


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